
3.4 Anti-Ban Tips – System Setting

Avoid ban by adjusting system settings

You can reduce the risk of being banned on WhatsApp by adjusting your system settings. Here are some tips:

  1. Add all contacts to your phone address book before sending. Ensure your recipients are in the address book for a few days before sending messages to them. You can use the Google Contacts CSV Generator in WtsToolKit to export contacts. The Google Contacts CSV format allows you to import all your contacts to your phone with just a few clicks. For more details, please refer to Google Contacts CSV Generator Page.
  2. Ask your recipients and group members to add your number to their address book. Use WhatsApp’s native broadcast function to bulk send to them sometimes.
  3. Do not send more than 600 messages per hour. Use the time delay setting in WtsToolKit. For more details, please refer to Delay Setting Page.
  4. The number of messages you can send depends on how many contacts you are targeting. It is advised to increase the delay setting as per your contact list size. The current default delay settings are enough for almost 200 contacts. It takes a random delay from the configuration you provide. For example, if you are targeting 200 contacts, it can send 5 to 10 messages per minute.
  5. We recommend categorizing your audience into three types: Cold, Warm, and Hot customers.
    Cold customers are potential clients who have no prior relationship with your business.Warm customers have interacted with your business before, while Hot customers are actively interested in purchasing your product or service and are likely to convert soon.Based on these categories, it’s advisable to choose different phone numbers for communication:Cold: Use a new phone number rather than the company’s official number, as this reduces the risk of being banned on WhatsApp.
    Warm: You may consider using either a new phone number or the company’s phone number. However, if you opt for the company’s number, ensure that the message content is not overly promotional.
    Hot: It is acceptable to use the company’s phone number for these customers.If you are concerned about the risk of being banned, it is recommended to use a new phone number for all communications.