How to warm up WhatsApp number?
To prevent your WhatsApp number from being banned, it is crucial to properly warm up your WhatsApp number beforehand.
1. Clear your WhatsApp app local cache and data before adding a new phone number to your mobile WhatsApp.
2. Use virtual numbers for bulk sending from websites:
https: // or https: //
3. Register for a new WhatsApp account (Virtual Numbers) on your mobile phone and leave it for 7 days without any activity.
4. Ask your friends and family to message this new WhatsApp number and start the conversation first.
5. Return to your WhatsApp account on your mobile and join some WhatsApp groups. Interact with group members daily for the next 7 days for at least 1 hour.
6. Use the WhatsApp Warmer function in WtsToolKit for the next 7 days, spending 1 hour daily. For more detail, please refer to WhatsApp Warmer Page.
7. After 1 month, your number authority will be strong. Start by sending 10 messages per day and increase by 10 daily.
8. Increase the number of incoming messages that is initialized by others. One of the methods is to set your profile name and profile picture to a lady and join some dating group, you will get a lot of people proactively message you.
9. While warming up the number, you can purchase new virtual numbers and prepare them in the same way from Step 1.