This feature allows you to export target customer data from various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and LinkedIn.
- Enter your criteria in the Keywords field. Ensure your criteria are clear and concise. For example, if you’re looking for social media data related to dental clinics, simply type “Dental Clinic.”
- Input the country code in the Mobile field (e.g., +44 or +91).
- Click Start to begin. The WhatsApp group links will be automatically retrieved and listed below.
- Click Stop to pause the searching.
- You can export the search results to an Excel file by clicking
- Choose a file location and press Save.
Please note: While grabbing data, Google may ask you to complete a CAPTCHA. When this happens, the system will notify you with two beep sounds. You need to solve the CAPTCHA, and then the system will continue with data grabbing.