3. Anti-Ban

3.3 Account Warm Up

How to warm up WhatsApp number?

To prevent your WhatsApp number from being banned, it is crucial to properly warm up your account beforehand.

How to Warm Up Multiple WhatsApp Accounts:

  1. Clear WhatsApp Cache and Data
    • Before adding a new phone number to your mobile WhatsApp, clear the app’s local cache and data.
  2. Use Virtual Numbers for Bulk Messaging
  3. Register a New WhatsApp Account
    • Register a new WhatsApp account using virtual numbers on your mobile phone, then leave it inactive for 7 days.
  4. Engage Friends and Family
    • Ask your friends and family to message the new WhatsApp number and initiate conversations with it.
  5. Add Recipients to Your Address Book
    • Add all your recipients’ contacts to your phone’s address book before sending messages.
    • You can bulk import contacts using the Google Contacts CSV Generator. For more details, refer to the Google Contacts CSV Generatorpage.
  6. Join WhatsApp Groups and Interact
    • After the initial 7-day period, return to your WhatsApp account, join several groups, and engage with group members daily for at least 1 hour.
    • You can find thousands of groups to join using Group Finder. For more details, refer to the Group Finder page.
  7. Use the WhatsApp Warmer Function
    • Utilize the WhatsApp Warmer function in WtsToolKit for the next 7 days, spending 1 hour daily warming up your account.
    • For more details, refer to the WhatsApp Warmer page.
  8. Gradually Increase Messaging
    • After one month, your account’s authority will be stronger. Start by sending 10 messages per day and gradually increase this by 10 daily.
  9. Increase Incoming Messages
    • To boost incoming messages, try changing your profile picture and name to something more appealing, like a female persona, and join dating groups. This can encourage more people to message you proactively.
  10. Prepare Additional Virtual Numbers
    • While warming up one number, you can purchase and set up additional virtual numbers following the same process outlined in Step 1.